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The information on this page related to current therapy issues has been provided from GoodTherapy.org. You can find more information from them here.
Midlife Crisis
"A midlife crisis is a time of transition and challenge for people in or approaching middle age. Definitions of midlife vary, and research into the average midlife crisis age is scant. One study found the average age for a midlife crisis is 47. Other research suggests the midlife crisis begins before midlife, in the middle thirties, and resolves in the middle forties. Not everyone experiences a midlife crisis. Much recent research disputes the idea that a midlife crisis exists at all. Yet any transition can spur a crisis of identity. For some people, the transition to middle age marks such a transition. Therapy can help people turn a midlife crisis into an opportunity for growth and generativity. The right therapist can offer advice for how to deal with a midlife crisis, help people facing a midlife crisis understand the roots of the crisis, gain control over their emotions, and take meaningful steps toward goals that make life feel meaningful."